Friday, December 28, 2007

Accelerating The Law Of Attraction - Write Your List

The first step in getting what you want is asking for it, and writing your list is the best way to ask for what you want. Just as it sounds, you are writing a universal shopping list. Literally anything you want can be on the list, but be SPECIFIC. For example, don’t just put “new car” – put the exact make of car you want such as “2007 Red Mercedes SLK”. Remember it is like a shopping list. If you are in anyway VAGUE the universe views this as a HALF FINISHED ORDER – until you complete the order, it won’t turn up or it won’t resemble what you want.

It is amazing how many people never get past this point. Keeping your wants “vague” is another way of self-sabotage. The mind needs something to focus on – if you aren’t focusing on the specifics of your goal, then you are sure to be focusing on what is lacking. Say you find yourself dreaming about having a better job, but you don’t flesh out exactly what kind of job, soon enough your thoughts will start replaying how much you dislike your current job and that is where you will stay. The reason for this is that you already have lots of juicy and very specific details in your mind regarding your current job. If you don’t flesh out your future, you will be stuck in your present.

If you are just starting out, throw in some smaller things that YOU FEEL are easily attainable. This is just to help you practice manifesting – the universe does not differentiate – only WE do. For example: along with the “2007 Red Mercedes SLK” you might add things like “Cut and Color at Bliss Hairdressers”, or “such and such….CD” or “Romantic Dinner with Husband/Wife at ….” Etc.

The list does not have to be material things but it does have to be as measurable as you can make it. For non-material items its best to give an actual example. For instance instead of “I am fit” you could use “I am lifting X weights 3 times a week…” or “I have the same body as such and such” etc. Ask yourself “How will I know when I have this item?”

Some non-material items can even have their own list. This is especially true of partner lists. If you are single you can write your list for your ideal partner. Be careful with this one! So many times I have heard people tell me they got EXACTLY what they wrote on their list. Just take care to include what you want and omit what you don’t. Remember you get what you ask for.

Important LIST TIP: Don’t limit yourself!!!! Write down EVERYTHING you want right now.

NOW THIS IS CRITICAL – Sometimes people get attached to the list as a final draft and delay making it because they are unsure that it is exactly as they want it. Don’t make this mistake. The list is EVER EVOLVING. Once you achieve things, you will cross them off and add new things. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Another great thing about the list is that if you are unsure about something – put it on the list anyway. You will get much greater clarity once it’s on there – you can always remove it.

Once you have written your list take some time to check in with your feelings about each item. Explore how it FEELS to have that item. Play with your imagination. Let me repeat that – PLAY. Visualize in color, in taste, in smell. Choose a sound that goes with the item. See yourself singing that sound in FULL POSSESSION of the item. Now you are cooking.

Anything that is a “so-so” response might need to be removed. Each item doesn’t have to make your heart sing but it does have to have a positive emotional response. You might be surprised to find that some things you don’t actually want after all -relax this is natural! Just be sure that you are not holding back on your dreams, thinking that you just can’t have what you really want –that’s the SECRET UNIVERSAL TRUTH – YOU CAN HAVE ALL YOU DESIRE.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Feelings Are The Secret To Manifesting Your Desires

Everything is energy. This includes all that you can see, smell, taste and touch and all that you can imagine. Your thoughts and feelings are also energy formations. Everything is energy and therefore everything is in a state of vibration.

Positive, enthusiastic, expectant feelings raise your vibration and it's this higher level of vibration that brings all good things to you. Feelings are what infuse your thoughts with infinite power.

It's the feeling that transforms mere words into energy. If a thought were represented by an automobile, the feeling would be the high-octane fuel that powers it. You can take any fine car available today and without the fuel, it's not much more than an expensive piece of machinery sitting in your driveway. Feelings give thoughts the power they need to create.

Feelings help to speed up the manifestation process. Repeatedly visualize something you want over and over again and don't let up until it's yours. That's how you manifest things in your life. But if you want to reach any goal or achieve any condition sooner, add strong feelings to your visualization. Ignite your thoughts with intense, positive emotions. It's these feelings that breathe life into any goal, objective or aspiration.

Simply add empowering feelings to whatever it is you want - that's the key. Whenever you feel enthusiasm, joy, laughter, love, gratitude, or a sense of fulfillment - you're adding high-vibrational energy to the mix. These positive, high-powered feelings generate a dynamic current of energy and the stronger the energy field, the stronger your powers of manifestation.

It's those high-vibrational energies that you want to create often to live life on your own terms. Once you experience the sensations, stay within that feeling mode for as long as you can. Don't become attached to the outcome or the 'thing' that you want. Instead, reach for a better, more-empowered feeling and as you stay in the feeling, the energy continues to expand.

Your feelings are magnetic. Whatever you think and feel in your life is what you manifest. Thoughts and feelings are vibrational energy. Focus on what you want. Feel the love, appreciation and joy of having it now and it's that energy that draws whatever you want to you.